Wednesday, January 30, 2013

9 tips to help you save up to 37% of your car's fuel

If we told you how to save up to 37% of your car’s fuel would you listen?:

We all know that the prices at the fuel pump are constantly changing, and usually those prices aren’t changing for the better.   There are several things that we can do to change our situation to get the maximum out of the gas that we are using.
Here are 9 solid tips that will save on petrol and save you money.

1.     Make sure you have the correct tire pressure
2.     Avoid Red Lights
3.     Avoid idling in your car
4.     Use your overdrive
5.     Use your cruise control
6.     Get regular tune-ups
7.     BE a consistent driver
8.     Don’t store a lot of items in your car
9.     Convert your car to electric or bio diesel

So ignoring your tire pressure can cause you to get a flat, but what a lot of people don’t remember is that the pressure in your tires if not correct can cause you to lose gas mileage. 
Any time that you can take the freeway or drive in areas that there is little stop and go this will really make a difference.  Also remember the more consistent you are with your lead foot, the more you will maximize your dollar. 
Overdrive on your car should be used whenever possible. Overdrive allows your engine to operate at a lower rpm for a given road speed, which allows your vehicle to realize better fuel efficiency under high-speed highway conditions. 
On long trips using your cruise control can save up to 14% of your fuel because it allows you to coast at a consistent speed.
Getting regular tune-ups and follow your autos scheduled maintenance will not only build value in your car, but it will also keep you from overspending at the station.
Don’t over load your auto with equipment and unnecessary items.  The weight of the vehicle will determine how hard to car has to work.
People used to assume that if you ran your air conditioning in your auto you would experience a lack in gas mileage.  Recent test were done by the Government for fuel economy and found that not to be true.
You can also convert your vehicle to either electric or biofuel by either using kits or having it done for you.   Take it to a reputable place or you can do it yourself.  Just remember that this can void out warranties so be sure to take caution here.

These tips will make your gas last longer so you spend less time at the pump and save money.  Tell us your methods of saving gas.  We’d love to hear from you!
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